How to take care of hair problems in winter?  

Beauty Tips   HD Medical Team  on Fri, Oct 30 2020 03:50 PM 2139 Views 0 Comments No recommendations yet !!!

Sometimes, we tend to forget the effect the weather has on our hair. As the winter is approaching, we all should know the fact that harsh weather harms our hair and we should take all the required measures to protect them. The weather draws the moisture from our scalp and hair, leading them to become dry and brittle. Although the seasonal problem might seem never-ending, our responsibility is to take good care of our hair problems in Nepal and give them well-deserved attention.

What effect does winter have on hair?

Although there is not straight scientific evidence, it is said that the hair dehydrates after the sudden changes in temperature from heat, winter cold, damp and polluted outdoors. These effects cause: 

  • Dryness and Itchy scalp
  • Brittleness
  • Dullness
  • Fragility
  • Split ends
  • Frizzy hair
  • Flyaway hair

Unnoticed Habits

The cold season brings its own kind of gloomy environment and stress which also reflects in our hair condition. Thus, our mood along with our own hair care habits add more anxiety to this situation. However, there are few unnoticed habits that we do every now, and then that damages the hair more. These habits are:

  • Washing hair with hot water and excessive blow-drying hair.
  • Skipping conditioning the hair.
  • Aggressively drying hair with a towel.
  • Aggressively brushing hair when it’s wet.
  • Applying harmful chemicals containing hair products.
  • Tightly tying the hair back with a pony or hair-bun style.
  • Excessive brushing the hair every day.

Therefore, we must avoid the above habits to take good care of our hair and our overall well-being.

What are natural remedies to treat hair in winter?

First and foremost, getting healthy hair comes from eating a healthy diet. Adding more green vegetables to your diet and drinking more water is the key. Besides, modifications in hair care routine can also help eliminate this never-ending worrying about your hair condition. Here we will be discussing the natural remedies to treat your hair in winter. These are some simple, cost-effective, and accessible remedies you can try at home and get healthy and beautiful hair. These remedies are:

Butter: This can come as a surprise but applying a small amount of butter will treat your dry, brittle hair and make it a glossy shine. It is suggested to massage your hair with butter and leave it for a half-hour. Then shampoo as usual to get the best hair treatment.

Tea: Rising your hair with unsweetened tea will make your hair silky and shiny. Tea also enhances your original hair color. This is another remedy for your hair care that you can use this winter.

Coconut Oil: We all are aware of the multiple benefits that coconut oil has. Its benefit to dry scalp is no exception. It is stated that it can moisturize the scalp and has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties to help reduce infection. Also, it helps in treating atopic dermatitis.

Aloe-vera gel: Aloe-vera gel is another natural plant that is multifunctional. When applied to your dry scalp, it provides much-needed moisture. It also helps to prevent dullness and frizzy hair.

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Yogurt and Egg: Yogurt and egg can be used as a hair mask. They are the best nutrient (protein) that you can provide to your hair. They help in maintaining your frizzy hair and give them a healthier shine. They also work as a hair conditioner. Besides, they also strengthen your hair strands and prevents split ends.

Apple Cider Vinegar: This is another such remedy that helps in the treatment of dry scalp and helps reduce inflammation of the scalp. It can also be used as an exfoliator and deep cleanser for your scalp. It is also an excellent solution to your flyaway hair.

Baking soda and olive oil: The mix of these two ingredients proves to be one of the easiest and natural way of exfoliating your scalp and getting rid of itchy flakes. The oil also adds much-needed moisture to your scalp.

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Bananas and oil (olive/coconut): Mashed bananas mixed with olive or coconut oil is another alternative method to add moisture to your dry scalp. Olive oil also prevents the brittleness of the hair.

Using a humidifier at night: Since the cold weather soaks the moisture from the air, using a humidifier at night will refrain from keeping your skin and hair dry. This method will put water back into your hair.

Hair trimming regularly: Trimming your hair regularly will also help you eliminate split ends during the winter season.

When to visit the doctor?

Sometimes as simple as not drinking enough water or not taking enough care of your hair can be the culprit to your lousy hair in winter. But at times, even after opting for healthy hair care habits, you may not see any changes. In such conditions, there could be several underlying medical conditions like excessive hair fall, eczema, psoriasis, alopecia arreata, etc. This could be the reason for your unhealthy hair and scalp. In situations like those, it is always advisable to seek a dermatologist's help. We also suggest visiting dermatologists if you experience persistent itching, redness, scaling in the scalp, rash, sores or infection, sensitive skin to itch, or patches. Most cases can be treated or stopped. It is recommended that the sooner your problem is addressed, the better your results will be.

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