Apex Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.

Radha Bhawan, Tripureshwor.

Apex pharmaceutical was established in the year 2052 as a pharmaceuticals manufacturing company with a vision to serve the nation & its population with high quality medicines at an affordable price. The production unit has been backed up with family automatic liquid line, blister, strip, machine for capsule& tablet dosage for dry syrup and ointment manufacturing unit to meet the optimum demand of the population. Apex pharmaceuticals as one of the leading pharmaceuticals manufacturing company has established its credibility among the medicals fraternity & has earned the confidence of leading practitioners medical consultants, doctor & celebrities of medical field with its range of quality medicine and has been recognized as one of fastest growing company in the Pharma industry.

This organization has been viewed 10,797 times and last modified on 2021-10-25 13:54:05