Asked by Ribul Tandukar
on 17/9/20
I got white dots on the tip of my penis and it hurts the outer layer that covers tip of my penis. please Dr help me any one
Asked by Ribul Tandukar
on 17/9/20
I got white dots on the tip of my penis and it hurts the outer layer that covers tip of my penis. please Dr help me any one
General physician & Radiology , 10 Years of practice
Whiteheads and other small, white bumps on the penis are common and usually harmless. White bumps on the penis may be pimples caused by acne, pearly penile papules, or bumps called Fordyce spots. However, white spots can also be caused by some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and may require treatment.
Dr.shubam Sharma please help me it hurts . I have been applying betadin and cleaning with clean water
I just had masterbation one night before and while I was in deep sleep I itched my testis as well and they are burning as well .I had fungul infection long time ago . now it burns while urinating as well.
Medical Officer
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Asked by Anonymous User
2 weeks, 6 days ago