Asked by Anonymous User

on 29/6/18

from 4 month I am having discharge from my penis but not burn not pain it's come little little only before urinate. Doctor gave me azithromycin and Cipro. After that I also take peridox and it's repeat again. I also checked with Dermatology and done swab test of discharge it was gram negative rod ecoli isolated . And took nitrofurantoin for one week and after 10 day it's repeat again Now doctor told me it's not STD you have to check with urology .Can any body help me plz...

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k discharge STD ma maatrai hunxa ra

Answered on 30/6/18

Pus discharge from the penis is usually sign of sexually transmitted disease. You have told that you already examined and Gram negative e coli isolated and taken medicine too. Since you arw having the problem again please revisit some dermato and venerologist again to rule out other type of infection again. If still there is not seen any problem then you can go for urologist consultation. Pleaee visit some hospital nearby or you can have online consultation by clicking on the side of your screen Thanks

Answered on 30/6/18

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